
Sample Project Proposal 4: Construction of the Languages Park of __________________

  PROJECT TITLE : Construction of the Languages Park of  __________________ PROJECT SUMMARY:  The purpose and goal of building a Languages Park is the development of the knowledge and skills of the learners in the three languages: Mother Tongue, Filipino and English. It is created to provide a place where learning is nurtured by catering to children's interest in reading through a variety of learning materials. We envision a safe and beautiful learning environment where learning can truly grow. It is with enthusiasm that to concretize our goal, a Languages Park will be constructed. Instead of three separate parks, the plan is to construct only one since the three subject areas all belong to the category Languages. With land space in our school devoted mostly to schoolbuildings, less space is left for other equally essential purposes. Having only one park to cater to three different subject areas is sensible and ideal. We can save on space. It is in this line of thinking that the

Close Calls: When your life is on the line, experiences of narrow escape from danger, faith testimonies

  Close Calls : W hen your life is on the line, experiences of narrow  escapes from danger,  faith testimonies Have you been in a life and death  situation where you asked yourself,  is this it? Do I end here? That is called  close call ...being in a  scary situation where your life is on  the line.   Close call  is defined as a  narrow escape from  danger , that  slim  chance of surviving  given the  situation.  Here are my  close calls , life events,  the kind that we all want most to  avoid.  But they happen. . Experiences in life come and go. But  there  are experiences that stand out,  something  that even through the  years one can't  simply forget. And in those kind of experiences,  call   it  luck that you made it through  or  more likely, one that has divine  intervention  at play - the unseen  hand  that protects, saves. Looking  back,  they were experiences  grounded  in faith. I've had several. Years ago, I was  puzzled and had questions. But  today,  grateful. And