Sample Project Proposal 2: Saving Mother Earth: A School YES-O Project (Introduction)

 Saving Mother Earth: A School YES-O Project


        We all have one home. Earth is the only home we have. And since time immemorial, it has fed us, clothed us, and from its oceans, rivers, and streams, nourished us with life-giving water. When its inhabitants get sick, from its forests come medicines that heal. We all have a shared responsibility for this planet that we call home.

     The worldwide pandemic Earth is experiencing at present is a wake up call. Althroughout history, there have been pandemics. And casualties were ever present. People are always at a losing end. Many wonder, are we as human beings blameless for what is happening right now? Did we not care enough for the environment? How come we allowed this to happen? As stewards of God's earth, we are responsible.

        Saving Mother Earth is a project of YES-O of _______________________. YES-O mission is to preserve our natural resources through environmental awareness of the community resulting in the active involvement of the youth on environmentally-related issues to achieve sustainable development and protect Mother Nature. It is through this organization's mission that the project is anchored upon. The desire to mobilize others to preserve the environment through activities that promote its well-being burns strong among its members. "The environment gives life, give life to the environment", is the abiding motto in the planning of activities under the project.

        Saving Mother Earth is the umbrella-project under which are programs and activities that promote awareness, protection, correct use of earth's resources, sustainability, reforestation, conservation, and promoting skills like going organic and banning the use of single-use plastics. Though it is wide in scope, nevertheless, activities were selected through its doability, sustainability, and adapted to school-age children. Doing project activities that show caring for Mother Earth like simple gardening and having less garbage can become life-long skills among children. This is the main goal of the project. Imagine the impact on the environment if everyone becomes mindful of his actions. What a difference that would make. We can all breathe easier, become healthier, and live longer. No more pandemics.

        To spread awareness, the team uses whatever platform is commonly available, like social media, to inform, educate, encourage and mobilize stakeholders on issues about the environment. Treeplanting is not only planting a tree but also taking care of the tree until fully grown. This is important to erase the misconception on this widely-used activity. With progress and development comes big environmental problems like pollution and garbage. The Saving Mother Earth Project has lined up activities in answer to these which will be discussed in the succeeding pages. All these are possible with the help mainly of our stakeholders: parents, local officials and other like-minded entities whom we can all work hand in hand to achieve our goal of a safer and better world for all.





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