Sample Project Proposal 3: Solid Waste Management

PROJECT TITLE: __________________Solid Waste Management


Mother Earth nurtured us ever since the world began. We, as its inhabitants, live our lives from the bounty it offers. Through time immemorial. the bond remained strong, like a mother to a child. But as we build mega cities, and development in technology came in leaps and bounds, this, which we call progress., brings with it mega problems, too. Overpopulation, climate change, forest denudation, food shortage, and pollution are among the problems the world is facing. Pollution, more specifically, solid waste,tops the list. With the discovery of plastics, we have formed a habit of throwing or disposing anything and everything as part of a modern-day psyche or way of thinking. Garbage has become a difficult problem to solve. 

___________is blessed with a lot of greenery on its campus. The towering ________ provide wind and shade. Different kinds of trees, some fruit-bearing, abound scattered within the school's vicinity. Flowering plants, shrubs and vegetable gardens add freshness and beauty to the surroundings. But from all these greenery also come large heaps of garbage in the form of dried leaves, weeds and other solid waste. Classrooms, of course, generate a good amount of solid waste. With the creation of this project, solid waste is being addressed through solid waste disposal, composting, reducing, reusing and recycling, the quantity of garbage is lessened.

___________responds to the urgent issue of solid waste. It is with the hope that over time this undertaking can provide locally-sourced solutions to the problem of garbage within the school and in the community.


In the light of the worldwide pandemic of the COVID 19 virus, it is a must that we respond to it in a positive manner. Our lives, our homes, our schools, and almost every aspect of our humanity are affected. People stay home to be safe from getting infected. Children are learning from home. Some are laid-off from work unfortunately. And as a result, we do have time. Time on our hands. And we can use it to become productive. 

It is in this regard that____________conceptualized a ____________Solid Waste Management Project that aims to provide solutions to alleviate the problems we are facing at present. This project aims to address not only environmental issues but also quality of life concerns. Issues like solid waste pollution, garbage disposal and management, health and nutrition. This project is doable and within means.


1. initiate and carry out a project that lessen solid waste to promote a cleaner, healthier, safer   environment;

2. promote organic composting, sustainable gardening;

3. conduct activities that support good health and nutrition; and

4. empower individuals to participate in activities for the environment.


_________has always been in support of projects related to the environment. Year in and year out,________continually encourages to promote environmental awareness and programs. This year it has highlighted environmental issues due to our present situation of which the impact is felt more than ever by so many people, in so many places, around the world.

Work Breakdown and Task Estimates and Program Deliverables

Task-----------------------------Persons Involved-------------------------Date


Existing protocols due to Covid-19 will be strictly followed throughout the undertaking. Participants are task to see to it that nothing undermines safety and safety is a priority in this venture.. Safety monitoring is in coordination with School DRRM.



Progress will be monitored and evaluated regularly. Feedback is essential to correct mistakes and improve project.


Essential to the project is sustainability. It is important for the project to continue since the issue on garbage is ever present and need long-term solutions. However, with changes in weather, finances, and other factors, these will have adverse effects. The project is in place. What needs to be done is to make it work. We should all live by our advocacy.

The project was crafted with minimal cost in mind and with dedication, hardwork and ingenuity of its implementors, success can be achieved. We will always be on the lookout, too, for generous hearts for support.



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