Sample Demo Lesson/iPlan #6: English 1 3rd Q with Integration in DRRM - Safety during Earthquakes


Sample Demo Lesson/ iPlan in

 English 1 with Integration in DRRM -

Safety during an Earthquake


Talk about stories, when

and where it took place, the  characters

and some important details of the story.


Key Understanding: 

Noting Details

Learning Objectives: 

Knowledge: Note details in a story.

                    Identify the steps in keeping

                    oneself safe during an


Skills: Name the characters and important


            Answer who, what, when, where,

            and why questions about the story.


            Tell the importance of keeping safe

            during an earthquake.

            Integration: Disaster Risk Reduction -

            Safety during Earthquakes

Resources Needed:

            metacards/flashcards, pictures,

            laptop, pentel pens, manila 

            paper, posters, MELC

Elements of the Plan  -  Methodology



1. Drill: Basic Sight Words

2. Review: Introducing Oneself

Call a pupil infront to introduce

herself/himself following the pattern:

- My name is_____.

- I am ____ years old.

- I live in _____.

- I am in Grade 1.

- I study at _____.



1. Motivation: Have you experienced of

being afraid? What did you do?

2. Picture Story

 - Teacher tells the story and show pictures

as the story progresses.

One morning, Jack woke up feeling

something was wrong. His bed was

shaking, the house is moving. Some

things in the room were also moving.

He was afraid.

He ran outside his room and saw his 

mother and sister were under a table.

He ran towards them and sat down. After a

while the movement stopped. He asked his

mother what had just happened. His mother

said it was an earthquake. His mother told

him being under the table will keep them

safe from falling objects. He told Jack

and her sister to remember to do the same

whenever an earthquake happens. 

What a morning!


Comprehension Check - up

- Teacher presents the questions

written on the board, calls pupils

to answer, then writes the

answers beside the question.

1. Who woke up one morning feeling

something was wrong?


2. What happened to his bed?

(it was shaking)

3. Where did he go?

(outside his room)

4. Who were under the table?

(his mother and sister)

5. What had just happened?

(there was an earthquake)

6. When did the earthquake happen?

(one morning)

7. What is the right thing to do when an

earthquake happens?

(go under a table) Should we follow

what Jack's mother and sister did?

(Yes)  Why?

(protects us from falling objects)


1. What words are found at the beginning

of each question?

2. What are they called?

(They are called question words. They are

used to show understanding of the story.)

3. What question word asks about the

characters of the story?


4. What question word asks about the

events in the story?


5. What question word asks about time?


6. What question word asks about

places mentioned in the story?


7. What question word asks for a 





1. Boardwork: Read a very simple story

(teacher-made) on the board and answer

questions that follow.

2. Group Activity:

a. Setting up of behavior standards for


- cooperate with other group members

- share ideas/answers

- work in silence

- asks others if you don't understand


b. Teacher divides pupils into groups.

c. Teacher gives each group a simple

story and questions to answer on

manila paper.

d. Assign an area for each group 

to work on the activity.

e. Each group reads the simple story

 and answer the questions on the 

manila paper using pentel pen.

- Teacher mills around the groups to

provide assistance.

g. The groups post their manila paper

on the board and do simple reporting

by a group member chosen to read the

group's answers.

- Then and there during simple 

reporting, the teacher checks right

away the answers of the group and 

gives the score.

Example of simple story and questions:

Direction: Read the simple story and

answer the questions. Write the answer

on the blank:

Aling Nena wakes up early every Saturday.

She goes to market to buy food for her

family. She buys fish, vegetables

and fruits. Her family enjoys her meals.

1. Who wakes up early?

Aling Nena

2. Where will she go?


3. Why does Aling Nena go to market?

 buy food for her family

4. When does she go to market?


4.What will she buy in the market?

 fish, vegetables, fruits

5. Who enjoys her meals?




Pupils read a short story on the blackboard

and answer questions about it on their


Enrichment Activity:

It is important to know what to do when 

there is an earthquake. Study the poster

and do the activity.

Role Play: Act as if you were Jack. Show

the class the actions to do during an

earthquake by following the poster.

- A successful role play earns a badge.

Badge Awards for every participant in the

role play:




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