Sample Reading Comprehension Exercises for Early Grades Part 2, varied techniques/formats/activities, practical tips, story retelling rubric


Sample Early Grades 

Comprehension Exercises, 

developing strong reading

comprehension skills in kids

👦👧👨👩👪👮👱👯👲, varied


 practical tips, story retelling


We can introduce learning comprehension

skills in class through guided reading.

The teacher needs to read aloud the

story first, then the class. 

A pointer (maybe a long stick or a 

discarded TV antenna)) is useful 

when teacher reads aloud the story

so pupils stay focused.

When answering comprehension exercises

at home, it is best to ask father, mother,

brother or sister to read the story for them.

When children can already read well

on their own, it is best to give more

comprehension exercises for more 

practice but selecting the material suited

to their reading level, starting with easy

read progressing to more difficult ones.

Speaking from experience, if we start 

with difficult materials right away, 

children lose interest😪😪😩

especially that these are comprehension

skills that we are trying to develop. Starting

with easy stories gives them confidence

to answer difficult ones later.😀😃😄😍😊😍

Reading Comprehension 

Exercises Part 2

(Continuation of Part 1...)

5. Identify the speaker in the story or poem

A.                    Who is talking?

    "What are you eating?" asked Cindy with

a hungry look on her face. "Lots of fruit,"

said Mark. Then he added,"Would you like

a banana?"

1. Cindy        Mark

_________has a hungry look.

2. Cindy       Mark

_________was eating fruit.

3. talk           share

Mark offers to __________.

6.  Predict possible ending of a story read

A.          What will happen next?

1. Leah woke up early, had breakfast

then carry her schoolbag. What will happen


a) go to school

b) go to church

c) go to market

2. Rosa grabbed a broom and looked

at all the garbage in the yard. What will 

she do next?

a) visit her neighbor

b) sweep the yard

c) study outside

3. Mother bought a vase. She put it

on the table. My brother was running

around and hit the table. What happened


a) the vase fell and broke

b) Mother called my brother

c) the vase looked beautiful

4. It was raining very hard. Ricky had no 

umbrella. He had no raincoat. He walked

in the rain all the way home. What 

happened to him?

a) Ricky became very clean.

b) Ricky did not like the rain.

c) Ricky got sick.

5. It is evening. Susan is on her bed.

She lays her head on the pillow and

pulls her blanket. What will Susan

do next?

a) go to sleep

b) play hide and seek

c) sing a song

6. Kim and Boyet went to the

playground. They saw a swing.

Boyet stood behind Kim. What will

Boyet do?

a) Boyet will sing

b) Boyet will push the swing

c) Boyet will run

B. Read each story beginning. Then shade

the circle next to the sentence ending that 

makes the most sense.

1. Brent woke up excited and happy.

The sun is shining. It was a perfect day

for a trip to the beach. After a few seconds


         O jumped out of bed

         O went back to sleep

2. Mary knew a typhoon was coming.

The sky was black. A strong wind began

to blow. Mary decided to

        O go outside and play

        O stay inside the house with

            her family

3. Dora was ready for the dance show.

She had practiced the steps many times.

Before the show, she felt sure of herself.

Then she comes onto the stage. Then,


        O forgot all the dance steps

        O did the dance well

7. Relate story events to one's experience

Reading stories is a great way to learn

about the world we live in. You understand

events happening around you. It also helps

in building one's imagination. Through

the events in the stories, you can understand

the feelings of the characters and relate

to how they are feeling in a certain way.

You find connections with the characters,

setting, and events in the story. You

can remember past events that you have

already experienced. 

8. Discuss, illustrate, dramatize specific


        - Choose a part in the story that children

can interpret through a drawing or do 

a simple dramatization  or role play - just

limit the number of participants.

9. Identify the problem and solution


  Problem - the trouble that happens to

                    the character in the story

    Solution - how the problem is solved

                    in the story

    PROBLEM                      SOLUTION                       


the plant is wilting >>>>>>>> water the plant


 it is raining >>>>>>>>>>> use an umbrella

 girl is sick >>>>>>>>>>>> take medicine

                                                    and rest

A. Problem and Solution Match Up

Draw a line from the problem to its


        Problem                   Solution

1. Dan has low            He studies hard.

    grades in his


2. Faith loves               She calls them

spaghetti.                    on the phone.

3. Ben wants a             He asks the                      

bike for Christmas.      help of his brother.

4. Carol misses her       She learns to

Lolo and Lola.              cook spaghetti.

5. Ruben wants to          He saves  money

fly a kite.                          from his baon.

10. Retell a story listened to

If by chance you overheard a

 conversation by young people of

one sharing last night's

episode of their favorite K-Pop

drama or Batang Quiapo  TV 

shows, you will observe how easily 

they can tell again of what they saw, 

in correct order of events at that. It 

is very much possible to replicate 

this in the classroom, like to retell

the events of a story they are

reading in class.

To retell a story, tell the children to:

☝think about the beginning, middle

and end of the story. 

- And to be mindful of:

☝what are the important parts in the


☝what is the story about

☝what did you learn from the story

Words to use to retell a story heard

or read:





You can also use these:








After that


How to grade a story retelling

activity using the story retelling

rubric below:elow:

👉 My retelling starts with the beginning

of the story. 2 points

👉 I use my own words to retell the

story. 5 points

👉 My retelling includes the beginning,

middle and end. 3 points

👉I use details from the story. 2 points

👉My sentences end with a period, and

exclamation point, or a question

mark. 4 points

 👉My sentences begin with capital

letters. 4 points

Total = 20 points

11. Ask simple questions about the

text listened to or read.

Use WH Questions when asking

questions about a story:

Who - person (woman, child, father)

What - thing (toys, key, dog)

Where - place (at the park, at home,


When - time ( tomorrow, next, at 1PM)

Why - reasons (to stay healthy, because

I'm hungry, so that it stays clean)

How - describe, tell the steps

            (get bread, put peanut butter,

                make a sandwich)

A.         Question Words

Use the words in the word bank to

complete each question.

who            what             when

why            where            how

is                 does

1. _____old are you?

2. _____this your pencil?

3.______sits on the chair?

4. ______do you live?

5._______is yout birthday?

6. ______your friend want to play?

7. ______do you want to eat for lunch?

8. ______are you crying?

B. 1.Read the text 3 times. Color a star 

after you read the story. First time

you read - color 1 star. Second time

you read. color another star, and so

on to the third time.


                  At the Park                    At the Park

☆ Ben is at the park. His dog, Sam, is

✫ at the park, too. Ben rides his bike

✫ and plays with Sam. Then he goes

 to the pond to see the ducks. He

    thinks they are so cute and funny!

2. Color the sentence in the story

above that answers the question.

red        A. Where is Ben?

blue       B. Who is with Ben?

green     C. Why does Ben want to

see the ducks?

C. 1. Read the story 3 times. Color

a star after each time you read.

Same as above in B.1.

                        The Sun

✫ Our Earth moves around the Sun.

✫ The Sun is a yellowish star. It is

✫ made up of hot gas. The sun gives us

light and heat. It also gives off energy. 

2. Answer the questions and color the

correct answer.

1. What is the Sun?

    O a big rock

    O a big Star

2. What does the Sun give us?

    O light, heat, and energy

    O water and light

3. Cut, sort, and paste the sentences

in the correct box.

    😃    True                😔 False

_____________           ______________

The Sun moves               The Earth  moves around

around the Earth.           around the Sun.

Credits: Google, Pinterest

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is much appreciated. Many Thanks.

To God be the glory!



  1. Super nice nor. Permission to use this for LAC session in reading nor?


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