FYI: Just what is AI or Artificial Intelligence?know AI applications in everyday life, fears, advantages, disadvantages, interactive kids games


What is AI or Artificial Intelligence? 

Know AI applications in everyday life, 

why there are fears, its advantages 

and disadvantages, interactive kids 

games 💻💻💻💻

When using social media, didn't you 

wonder where your friend suggestions 

come from? How do they know that 

you know these people in the 

suggestions? Or have you heard of 

Alexa and Siri, both Digital 

Assistants,  who can do tasks 

like turning your fan on/off (among 

many other tasks that they can do) 

using your voice to command?

What about the several suggestions

that appear in your screen even 

before you have finished typing 

what you are looking for in the 

Google search box? And cars with 

no drivers that stop at traffic lights 

and turn corners?

All these is AI.

Maybe many of us don't know yet

that AI or Artificial Intelligence has 

become a part of our daily lives 

today. Many of its applications 

have been felt more in more advanced 

countries and in others only a 

few of its uses are applied. Let us 

get to know a bit of AI and find 

out if it's a boon or a bane. Is it 

something to be afraid of or is it 

a breakthrough in technology?

It all started in 1950 when Alan Turing 

published his book, "Computer 

Machinery and Intelligence." Today, 

Artificial Intelligence is a young 

discipline of about more than 60


What is AI?

- It is the ability of a computer or a 

robot controlled by a computer to 

do tasks that are usually done by 

humans because they (robots/

computers) require human 

intelligence and discernment.

- Refers to technology that educates 

machines to think, analyze, and 

learn from data in order to make 

intelligent decisions.

- The ability for a computer to 

think and learn, in simpler terms

With AI, computers can perform tasks

that are typically done by people, 

which includes processing, problem 

solving, and learning.

How AI can help

It can do a lot to improve 

productivity in the workplace. In 

the manufacturing industry, AI-

powered robots work with 

humans to perform different tasks, 

including but not limited to 

assembly and stacking. It can do 

routine tasks like assembling. In 

healthcare, with the integration 

of AI, doctors can predict diseases 

quickly and accurately diagnose 


It can perform certain tasks with 

speed, accuracy and precision. They

complete assigned tasks in minutes 

which can take days if a man does. 

AI in everyday life

AI in writing

AI-based spelling and grammar-

check tool like Grammarly offers 

real benefits for students who are 

learning how to write or trying to 

write more clearly. For creative 

writers, AI tools can help 

with story ideas and dialogue.

Interactive Games for Kids

AI can be used to create interactive

games and other teaching tools or 

apps. Interactive Games give kids 

the experience of voice recognition 

and response mechanisms while

at play. 

Here are the example games:

  • Quick, Draw! 
  • Talk to Mitsuku
  • The Thing Translator
  • Freddie Meter
  • Kahoots
  • Quizziz

Check out  

- highlight, then click Go to 
  OR copy then paste in browser 

- Scroll down the blog post, then 

you'll find the first 4 games in 

the list above and play for free. 

Just played the first one and 

had fun!


A new technology that has been 

used by students as a homework 

assistance tool. Can help 

teachers, too, including creating 

Lesson Plans, grading papers 

and homework, even creating 

videos from textbooks, so 

it says.

Chatbots and Customer Service

If you are a customer and has 

queries or complaints, AI-powered 

chatbots or chatterbots can 

provide customer support, answer 

user questions instantly and 

process requests with little-to-no 

human help. You will be in 

conversation through text or 

speech instead of calling or 

talking to a human agent 

through the phone. It is used 

in FB, Twitter, other social 

media platforms, text messages, 

etc. Its main purpose is to maintain

an effective customer-company 

relationship through meaningful


Virtual/Digital/Voice Assistants

There are situations in which

you don't want to get up and turn 

the fan or AC off or on, this is 

exactly what digital assistants can 

do - you just need to tell them 

to switch on the fan or play a 

movie or turn off the light and 

they will simply follow your 

instructions. They will do such

things for you with a voice 

command. Amazon's Alexa and 

Apple's Siri are the two best 

examples of digital assistants or 

voice assistants. Call on Alexa

to switch on the light, and it 

will be done. They do not only 

understand your command but 

also do the following:

- respond to your questions
- make appointments
- manage calls
- send emails
- set alarms, etc.

They keep analyzing and learning 

from interactions in order to deliver, 

improved customer experiences 

based on your preferences and 

search history.

Entertainment and Social Apps

Social media platforms are using 

AI for a customized experience to 

its users. One of the best examples 

is the friend suggestions you 

receive in FB, Instagram, 

Twitter and other platforms. The 

apps show a list of people you

might know or those who are 

in your contact list. How do the 

apps get such information? 

How do they know that you 

know the people in the 

suggestions? AI and ML 

evaluate your usage patterns and 

recognize your friends from 

photos and news feeds.

Google Predictive Search Algorithm

For example you want to search 

something in Google, haven't 

you noticed that even before 

finishing to type what you are 

looking for in the Google 

Search Box, you might 

have noticed several suggestions 

automatically appearing on the 

screen? This is because of the 

autocomplete feature of Google

that predicts the search term by

the characters you enter one by 

one. Google uses artificial 

intelligence, machine learning, 

deep learning to run prediction 

algorithms in order to make the 

searches effective.

E-commerce/Online selling 
and buying

People nowadays prefer to buy 

from online sites or apps, why? 

This is because you can filter 

out exactly what you want 

to buy using certain keywords 

and filters. For example you 

want to buy white shoes, 

the site/app will show a collection 

of white shoes of different ranges. 

You can still filter using a price 

or a pattern you prefer.  It takes

seconds or minutes only to get 

your desired item. But how is it 

possible? This is made possible by 

the basic algorithm that routinely 

classify product searches for 

efficient cataloging.

Smart Cars

These are self-driving cars 

where the driver can put his 

hands off the steering wheel 

and let the car drive on its own. 

Tesla of Elon Musk in the US

programs and produce these 

cars which are fully-automated 

and can stop at traffic lights, take 

turns, control speed and slows 

down or stop whenever an obstacle

is detected.


The banking system has sought

the help of AI chatbots to offer 

improved customer experience by 

enabling seamless and 24/7 

transaction. From opening an 

account to making e-payments, 

also you don't have to stand in a 

long line to withdraw money 

or transfer it to another account.

Image and Facial Recognition in 
Security Systems

Medical Diagnosis and Healthcare 

Automation in the Workplace

Last Words

AI is not a replacement for humans - 

it won't be anytime soon, (and never 

will be).

Though it makes our daily lives 

easier and more convenient, including

the exciting possibility of  AI aiding 

in the fight against climate 

change, poverty, and hunger, 

doing it through quantitative 

analysis, optimization and 

processing, problem solving,  

learning, etc.

--- humans however provide the 

creativity, strategy and the 


The most devastating impact 

of AI is in the workplace. AI - 

powered machines like robots 

are replacing human workers 

of routine and low-skilled 

jobs. Many would lose their

jobs affecting incomes and 

quality of life.

Then there is the potential 

misuse of AI technologies like

the intrusion on data privacy and 

algorithm bias. These will bring 

about negative consequences. 

Then the possible overreliance 

on technology and increasing 

laziness in humans. More so, 

skill loss.

I chuckle everytime I hear of 

algorithm bias. I tried and tried 

again to have an online transcription 

job same as I had before. But 

everytime I applied, I was 

repeatedly denied. Was it because 

I declined an offer previously? 

Or the mistakes I made when my 

internet bogged down while 

working on a task resulting to a 

low quality work? I've had good 

reviews, too, including 

five stars. That's why I couldn't 

fathom what's in the computer 

mind or the data it processed in 

there. There might be algorithm bias? 

I just don't know. 

I might be wrong. Not techy.

Other AI Disadvantages

A lack of creativity - original ideas 

don't come from machines, they are 

dependent on human input

- Absence of empathy - limited ability 

to understand emotions, they do not 

empathize what workers feel losing 

their jobs and replaced by robots

Machines don't eat, humans do.

Machines don't feel hunger, 

humans do.

Prioritize humans.

My Take

We all  exist together in this world.

 If  we are to exist together with 

robots, machines and computers, 

so be it, but we should never 

put in our mind that they are 

superior to humans, they are there

as tools to make human lives 

easier, better, convenient , and to

 serve humankind for the common 

good. A timely call for the ethical 

and responsible use of AI is now.


Google - from various sources 
across  the web

How AI is used in Education 
- Jeremy Bowman
-highlight, right click and click Go to
-OR copy then paste on browser

To God be the glory!



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